Question: 1 / 300

When transporting a firearm in a vehicle without a concealed firearm permit, the firearm must be:

Unloaded and locked in the glove compartment

Unloaded and visible on the seat

Unloaded and placed in a secure case

When transporting a firearm in a vehicle without a concealed firearm permit, the firearm must be unloaded and placed in a secure case. This is the correct answer because Utah law requires that a firearm transported in a vehicle must be unloaded to ensure safety. Placing the unloaded firearm in a secure case helps prevent accidents and ensures that the firearm is not easily accessible to unauthorized individuals. It is important to follow these guidelines to comply with the law and promote responsible gun ownership.

While keeping the firearm unloaded is essential, options A and B do not provide adequate security measures as they do not require the firearm to be in a secure case. Option D is incorrect because the firearm should always be unloaded when being transported, regardless of whether a round is chambered.

Loaded but not chambered


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